Sunday, January 13, 2013

29 Candles

Last weekend my parents came to DC to celebrate my birthday and brought me this little cake. I think it's supposed to be a smash cake for one year olds, but it tasted superb.

It's the best when your birthday lands on a weekend, and Fridays start the weekend in my book! Today, I turn 29. That's right, it's the last year of my twenties. I'm having a hard time believing it really. This past decade flew by. I have to admit (well friends have pointed these things out when I started complaining about getting old) that I am in a good place for being on the brink of dare I say 30.

So far in my twenties I...

-graduated college with a master's degree
-moved to a big city and started anew after living in a small town in West Virginia for 23 years
-landed a steady, satisfying job
-bought a car
-got married to the perfect guy for me

Not bad, not bad at all.

In this last year of my twenties, I'd like to check a few more things off the 20s list. Most are not as life changing, but great goals nonetheless. This year I'd like to:

1. Complete some sort of biking/running/swimming race (duathalon or triathalon) with my husband
2. Take an art/painting class
3. Buy a nice camera and learn to use it (any suggestions??)
4. Tour the White House (I've lived in DC for 6 years, why this hasn't happened yet I DON'T know)
5. Get a better idea on where we'd like to move to plant our roots

Now, I know I'm really not getting that old and you're only as old as you feel, so I plan to have a great weekend celebrating with family and friends. Happy Friday, friends!


  1. It's hilarious to hear someone in their 20s complain about getting old. LOL Happy Birthday to you. And your last decade has been pretty productive. I'd say this is only the beginning...

  2. very nice..

  3. Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day, Melanie! :)

    If you are looking into getting a DSLR camera, I love my Canon Rebel!

  4. Congrats on a great list of accomplishments! DC has been on my wishlist of visits.
    Happy Birthday Melanie!

    A new GFC follower, visiting from Adorned from Above link.


  5. Happy Birthday (sorry it's late).
    Found you through the Love Your Post Blog Hop and now following :)
    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper

  6. Thanks for cohosting! I'm a new follower on GFC & would love a follow-back at
    God bless,
